Any freeware alternatives to "1st network admin" or kind of?
i'm an network administrator with 35 windows xp pc's.i've installed Win 7 in my pc,i.e admin. I found 1st network admin 2.7 has many network admin tools which are useful for me.But its an shareware.Any true free alternatives offering similar functions?tech trends
December 15th, 2009 5:17pm

The "1st network admin" is a third party security software and it restricts the user access to almost every corner of Windows for all PC workstations. Actually, after applying certain feature in the software, it only modifies PC's registry and policy. All of the features are integrated by third party company. In Microsoft, there is a software, TweakUI. It has part of feature, such as hide drives in My Computer, but it is only for stand-alone machine and the software is incompatible in Windows 7. After searching on Microsoft website, I'm afraid that there is no free software which offers similar functions like "1st network admin". However, I have enclosed some other free useful tools from Microsoft: Windows Sysinternals Thanks, Novak
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
December 17th, 2009 1:07pm

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